3 Killer Kettlebell Workouts for Remarkable Results


Fat loss.


With one tool, you can tackle most major fitness goals - and often in a fraction of the time of other workouts. That tool is the kettlebell. I’m a big fan and avid user, and personally believe that kettlebells can (re)invigorate almost any training program.

Don’t get me wrong, I use all kinds of fun workout tools and exercise equipment (especially of the heavy variety ;)) but the kettlebell is something special:

  • The extra emphasis on hip power can be quite, well, empowering. Most people have no idea how much explosiveness they can generate until they have to in, say, a kettlebell swing. Once realized, one can only wonder, “How else in my life can I generate more power and I just didn’t know it?” Kettlebells are a great way to introduce the two-way connection between mindset and fitness.
  • The extra emphasis on breathing is also a game-changer. Not only can proper bracing and breathing help your PRs to skyrocket, but the transfer over into regular life is not to be overlooked. Granted, you won’t be practicing power breathing in everyday life, but simply drawing awareness to the importance of breathing is hugely useful in improving breathing out of the gym; just like you wouldn’t necessarily practice a yogic ujjayi breath in daily life, bringing awareness to breathing through a practice like yoga is well-known to promote better breathing patterns off the mat. Plus, guys, proper breathing is just safer!
  • Because of the shape of the kettlebell's unique handle, there are ways you can get creative with your workouts that aren’t as possible with other tools. For example, I frequently program metabolic chains and complexes for my Hybrid Metabolic class at West Austin Strength & Conditioning, as well as for my personal training and online clients. These workouts have a unique flow to them that can help people get “in the zone,” and the endless combinations keeps it interesting.
  • Kettlebells can be used for pure strength or pure conditioning, but often times it straddles the line between the two. Most people want a straightforward training program that will get them the most bang for their time/energy buck, and kettlebells deliver. For those who have a more robust training program, kettlebells can instead serve as vital pieces to a well-rounded puzzle.
  • Honestly, I think they are simply fun and can infuse new life - even a sense of playfulness - in a stale program. Give these workouts a try and let me know if you agree. ;)

If you’re brand-new to kettlebells but ready to get started, stay tuned - my FREE Kettlebell Primer is launching at the end of August. Sign up for my newsletter for updates in your inbox. The KB Primer is designed with the beginner in mind and goes over everything from grip, form, breathing, exercise demonstration and instructions, and sample workouts. Even if you’re already familiar with kettlebells, a refresher on the core principles and techniques can always help.

Ready to get sweaty? Here are three full-body workouts that are sure to do just that, as well as help get you toward your goals - no matter what they are. Please note that the reference weights are mere suggestions only, with the beginner-intermediate trainee in mind. Those with more experience can feel free to select their own weights, and of course, please scale however necessary to suit your individual fitness level and needs. Always start with a 5-10 minute full-body dynamic warm-up (need suggestions? here's one!) and cool-down for at least a few minutes after a high-intensity training sesh, even if it is just a few sun salutations or simple stretches. Foam rolling and deep breathing exercises can fit in either the warm-up or cool-down, or both.

View all three workouts in action! Remember: Modify as needed. I did. ;)

KB Workout #1: Strength Focus

Reference Weights = 16kg / 35 lb for women, 20kg / 45 lb for men

5 sets of:

Goblet Clean to Squat x 5

Push-Up x 5-15

Rest 90-120 seconds between rounds

3-5 sets of:

Single-Leg Deadlift x 5 R/L

Turkish Get-Up x 3 R/L

Rest 90-120 seconds between rounds

5 minute EMOM Finisher:

Hand-to-Hand Swing x 15 R/L


KB Workout #2: Fat Loss Focus

Reference Weights = 8kg / 15 lb for women, 12kg / 25 lb for men

Set a timer for 10-25 minutes and complete as many rounds as possible with impeccable form:

Double Swing x 20

Alternating-Arm Bent-Over Row x 12-15 R/L

Double Thruster x 12-15

Double Swing Clean x 12-15

Rest as needed, but try to keep it limited to 30 seconds or less to maximize metabolic effect.


KB Workout #3: Conditioning

Reference Weights = 12kg / 25 lb for women, 16kg / 35 lb for men

Chain: Choose one weight that is appropriate for all exercises in the chain. String together one rep of each exercise (in this case, all on one arm), and then switch sides and repeat. Don’t set the weight down between reps. Continue until you need to rest; rest as needed to maintain form. Repeat until you have completed 40-50 reps R/L, or set a timer for 5-15 minutes and do an AMRAP.

Complex: Perform 8-10 reps of each exercise (in this case, all on one arm), then switch sides and repeat. Don’t set the weight down until all reps have been completed on both sides. Rest, then continue. Repeat for a total of 5 rounds, or set a timer for 5-15 minutes and do an AMRAP.

Single-Arm Swing

Strict/Dead Clean

Single-Arm Push Press

Have you added kettlebells to your training yet, and if so, how? What big questions do you have about kettlebell training? Give these workouts a try and let me know if you enjoyed them! Tag me in a sweaty selfie or a workout video/pic with the hashtag #caffeinatedfitness. Love this blog? Please share! Click on the green "Share" link below to view sharing options.